• A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
Function Example Sample sentence
Introductory verbs and certain lexical verbs indicating opinion, evaluation, doubt and caution
    E. seem to, appear to, tend to, believe, assume, suggest, prefer, estimate, think, argue, indicate, propose, look, presume, speculate, allege, look like, doubt, maintain, state, seem, imply, appear, tend, lean towards
    Ng (2011) doubts the strength of this argument. However, in spite of itslimitations, the study appears to have a number of important strengths.
    Certain modal auxiliary verbs
      J. will, must, would, may, might, could, can
        F. Such a measure might require further research.
        Modal adverbs
          L. certainly, definitely, clearly, probably, possibly, perhaps, strongly, conceivably, likely, presumably, apparently, allegedly, seemingly
          The findings possibly indicate a lack of solid evidence.
          Probability adjectives possible, probable, likely, unlikely, seeming, conceivable
            H. It is likely to result in failure.
              A. perhaps, possibly, probably, practically, likely, presumably, virtually, apparently, allegedly
              Flambert would presumably reject this suggestion.
              Adverbs of frequency
                D. often, sometimes, usually, frequently, rarely, occasionally, typically, mostly, usually, normally
                  K. Typically, the majority of interviewees responded negatively to question 5.
                  Expressions of degree and quantity
                    I. approximately, roughly, about, generally, somewhat, a great deal of, some, most, the majority, significant number of, largely, mainly
                    A successful reaction is present in a significant number of these cases.
                    Nouns assumption, claim, possibility, estimation, suggestion assumption, possibility, probability, likelihood
                      B. However the possibility of error should not be ignored.
                      Compound hedges
                        G. double hedges - it may suggest that; it seems likely that; it would indicate that; this probably indicates that
                        It seems reasonable to assume that based upon these external factors, Mandrake might suggest refute the arguments presented by the earlier survey.
                        treble hedges - it seems reasonable to assume that;
                          C. quadruple hedges - it would seem somewhat unlikely that, it may appear somewhat speculative that