Now try the quiz again:

1. How many articles are there?

2. What are they?

3. When would you usually use a and an?

4. Why would you say a university but an umbrella?

5. Which of these would you put a definite article in front of?

Peninsula Hotel                               Hong Kong University

China                                                People’s Republic of China

South China Morning Post             South China Sea

IBM                                                    Nathan Road

Lego                                                 TVB

6. Which article would you use if you were introducing something new to someone?

7. Which article would you use if you were talking about something that your listener was already aware of?

8. What is the difference between these three sentences?

  1. A student needs to work hard.

  2. Students need to work hard.

  3. The students need to work hard.


9. Would you put an article in the gaps in these sentences?

x = no article needed